Creating Value as a First and Second in Command
The typical first in command spends less than 20% of his/her time doing what brings the greatest value to the organization.
The Noise Reduction System™ was created by Larry G. Linne from the book, “Make the Noise Go Away – The Power of An Effective Second in Command”. This award-winning book has created a buzz throughout the U.S., Canada, and in Europe.
Business “first in commands” are finding the noise to be overwhelming in their lives and their businesses. The typical first in command spends less than 20% of his/her time doing what brings the greatest value to the organization.
Larry’s book, and now the Noise Reduction System™, are helping first in commands reduce or eliminate the noise through a full developmental plan for a second in command to help them reach 80% of their time doing what they do best.
Reading the book is insightful and gives good ideas. However, real change and execution comes through a more intense and thorough understanding and application of the principles. The Noise Reduction System™ provides this understanding and adds the elements of working with other second in commands to see true behavior change.
First and second in commands will eliminate noise when a second in command goes through this program. Many have found this system to be life changing.
Topics Covered
- Core Principles for Success
- FIC/SIC Upward Communication
- Identifying Your WHY
- Maximize Your Skills
- Develop Your Team
- Solving Problems by Inserting Consequences
- Keeping Priorities
- Interpreting the FIC’s Message
- Aligning with the Owner’s Values
- Losing Sleep
- Proactive Client Management
- Making the Company Look Good
- Have To – Want To – Should Do
- Leading Versus Doing
- Bringing New Ideas
- Bringing Results to the Organization
- Organizational Skills
- Culture Management
- Ownership Value
- Tuition 101
The Noise Reduction System™
- Available now – Members Only.
- 10 classes and 10 workbooks with over 20 tools
- Ability to license the Train the Trainer and NRS™ for resell